
07 June 2023

The innovative solar panel system on the roof of our warehouse: environmental and operational benefits for the Chiaravalli Group

We are thrilled to announce the installation of our innovative solar panel system on the roof of our warehouse at Chiaravalli Group's Cantalupa headquarters. This project represents a significant milestone in our pursuit of sustainable and energy-efficient solutions. In this article, we will explore the details of this project and the results achieved, highlighting the numerous benefits it will bring to our group and the surrounding environment.

15 May 2023

Chiaravalli X Physis PEB

Within the evocative setting of the Idroscalo in Milan, during the Electric Boat Show, the Physis PEB project for the year 2023 was officially presented.

A reality that combines the innovation of the Polytechnic with the competitive spirit of the students who are part of it and animate it every day with their ideas and their passion.

The goal? The Monaco Energy Boat Challenge where to improve on last year's stunning overall 3rd place  in the first participation and we are happy and excited to support Physis PEB

21 April 2023

⚙️🤝 Hannover Messe 2023: it's always unique

Today Hannover Messe 2023 closes with its fifth and last day.

A unique experience as usual, which represented both a challenge and a moment full of opportunities for our expedition.


03 April 2023

🚨📅 April Closing days

During Easter holidays, we will only be closed on Monday 10 April; later this month we will also celebrate Italy's Liberation day on the 25th of April.

Due to these holidays closures, shipments might be rescheduled in the earliest dates available.